Tuesday 10 July 2007

Hello people!

Did u have a good weekends? I received a parcel from mum in Japan last week! and my neighbour knitted lots of baby stuff such as cardigan, little hat and booties for our baby and they r really nice! How kind she is! Also one of my husband's friend gave us tons baby cloths as well!

We r very lucky :) I went to see my midwife yesterday and had a blood test, everything is all right! We r getting ready for our baby now! I can't wait to see him!
We found a frog in our garden when my husband was cutting glass last Sunday! it was tiny frog and I couldn't touch it anyway... But I think frogs r cute :) Hopefully we could see a hedgehogs next time!
Anyway hope u have a gd day!
see ya!


purkul said...

Hi Garfield,

I had a good weekend! Hope you did too. Great news on the baby clothes - it wont be much longer now! I have to admit that frogs rather frighten me. I ok with spiders and OKish with slugs and snails - but frogs and snakes - bit too un-predicatble for me to cope with.

take good care, Em.

klahanie said...

Hey there-
I had a fantastic weekend thank you.
So glad that things are progressing well with the upcoming birth of your child.
I wish you a bright and postive future.

emma said...

Dear Garfield,

I made an error and used Purkul's identity when commenting on your blog! I'm so sorry - it was me - not Purkul and apologise to Purkul too. Sorry. Em.

Domenica said...

Hi Garfield,

What an exciting time for you both, treasure every moment, it is the most magical and life changing experience you could ever have!...D x