Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Garfield is back!

Hellllllllooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! long long time 4 me!(I'm sorry)

YES! I had a baby on September! His name is (little) Richard and he is growing growing so quickly now he is 3 months old!!!! He is doing very well and he had a 1st injection last month. Time has been so quickly since his arrival and I'm keeping busy every day.... He wakes up just once at night so I can have a plenty sleep whole night now! gd gd :) Also he starts talking and smiling as well! He is learning a lots of things every single day (and me!)

Anyway Are u ready 4 xmas yet? We r ready so far so good.... Its 1st xmas 4 Richard and he has got loads xmas presents and he saw Santa on the other day! He had a tiny Rudolph toy off Santa!
He is such a happy boy and yes he is excited for his 1st xmas! will b gr8 and sentimental 4 him.
Also New year is coming soon! ( how quick) Anyway hope everything will b fine next year!
I promise I will continue this bloggling as much as I've got the time so hope u will have a lovely xmas and New year!

All the best and stay positive!!!!

c ya!

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

I'm still waiting!

Hi ya!

Baby is not coming yet and I'm still waiting! Should b next week hopefully! To b honest I'm getting bored been pregnant now and I want to see our baby soon! I had plenty of rest last week and still keeping enough energy on me for labour!
We've got a cot last week and its really good cot actually. We've got everything for baby now so he can come out in this world anytime! come on!
My mum rung up this morning and she told me that typhoon came to Japan last week and it was horrible she said. But its all right now so that's good thing anyway. We had a good chat!
I think its getting cold now as autumn coming soon. Its my best season actually, I like to see all leaf's colour changing it is beautiful!
I'm so sorry for my friend's leaving from media action group soon :( We r missing her already!(don't go~~!) But I'm sure we can still keep in touch!
Anyway hope any luck will come to everybody and have a gd day ppl :)

see ya!

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Counting down!

Hi ya!
How r u? I'm fine thank u :) my stomach is dead heavy lol
I'm counting down now till baby's due date! How excited! I'm not scared at all now cuz I'm just thinking labour's pain is natural and I keep opening my mind! I'll b fine! I went to clinic to see my midwife yesterday and she said baby's head position is down now so he is ready to come out to this world! I and my husband heard his strong heart beating (gd gd) and I'm always thinking how he looks like and stuff. Anyway hopefully I can put my next post with baby(never know).
I'll go to hospital this week to join the relax and breathing class with my husband so should b gd experience to us.
My mum rung up this morning by the way and everyone is wondering if baby is born yet or not as they r excited as well. everything is all right over there and weather is getting cool in Japan now(it was dead hot last month apparently) so I'll write to my family very soon!
My husband's birth day is coming very soon! (16th) If baby is born on his birth day, it would b great gift for him do u think!? (I think so). It will b lovely day 4 him anyway :)
Hope u will have a gd day and stay positive!
Take care and see u next time!
PS: Baby's cot will come tonight! yey!

Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Garfield's busy week!

Hello, How r u? I'm fine thank u. I really want to say thank u to all ppl who left comment on my blog cuz they helped me with my worries.
I'm not much scared of labour now as everybody told me panicking is not gd during labour and I think it will b fine as long as I am relaxing and keep gd breathing so I feel much better now!

My health visitor came up last week and she is really nice woman actually and gave me lots of useful and helpful advices! She will visit us again sometimes after baby's birth. All things goes all right :)

Yes, I had a lovely birthday thank u, My mum, my nan and my aunty sent me birthday cards from Japan! I had lots of chocolates as well (naughty naughty) it was great anyway! I'm not teenager anymore now(strange) lol

By the way, I realised that Xmas is coming soon(4 months) as I had look at a Xmas magazine on the other day! Hope we will have just nice snowing on the Xmas day and hope Santa will come to our house with presents. How excited! I know it seems ages to come but it will be coming soon!
Anyway hope everybody have a great day!
PS: Did u have a nice bank holiday Monday?
See ya!

Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Garfield's diary

Hello, How r u all? I'm not too bad.
I and my husband have been his mate's funeral this morning, God bless. and my health visitor rung up as well, she is coming to our flat day after and I'm bit nervous but never mind.( have to tidy up!)
We went to hospital last Saturday to join one of maternity class and it was all right and big help to me as midwife gave us lots of gd information about labour and baby things. I can't believe baby will b born next month! How quick it is! Anyway hope everything will b all right deffo! so scared!!!
My mum rung up on the other day and she wrote to us as well, everything is all right over there and my family r so excited 4 baby! Its dead hot in Japan now according to my mum and my dad and my brothers went to night fishing the other day! sounds fun!
We've got a moses basket off niece as my mum in low told us this morning on the phone, it was big surprise! Everything is getting organized bit by bit so thats gd!
Sometimes I'm really panicking and worried a lot about anything even I don't want to feel like that but I can't help it donno y. Mayb just nervous to have first baby or cud b anything but I think I need to have more rest and be more relaxed to b honest! I'll do my best anyway.
My birth day is coming very soon (24th) by the way and I'll be 20! yey! I think this year is really special to me as everything has been changed gd way since I came here and having baby next month and such..... I must have my gardening angel behind me lol
Anyway hope everybody is doing all right and have a gr8 day folks!
See u!

Wednesday, 8 August 2007

Garfield's bad accident!


How r u all? I'm bit tired today but never mind! I fell over yesterday in a car park by accident and I've got a patch on my knee!:( my stomach is all right I hope, I'll see my GP this Friday so I really hope everything is all right!!(deffo)
I had a result of my blood test on the other day and I need taking iron tablet, I try eating lots of veg now!
Anyway What have u been up 2 people? Hope all u r enjoying this weather! I DO! lol
We had lots of baby cloths off my husband's friend yesterday! yey! We saved quite a lot money 4 baby stuff actually, and we r really lucky:)
Anyway I'll see u later!
Have a gd day people!

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Late summer!


Summer came back to us finally! yey!:) I was sweating like a pig yesterday as it was so hot! I love it, lol

Anyway I can't believe its August now(white rabbit by the way) my birthday is coming soon :)

And won't b long till September too as baby is coming soon!!

I want to say thank u 4 all ur comments it was really helpful 2 me! I've got some useful vouchers from Boots on the other day and I've got a free changing bag and camera yesterday!

Also a baby cot will come next week as my mum in low bought it 4 us so everything nearly organised! gd gd! I'll see midwife next week again to make sure everything r all right.

Anyway hope this summer won't go anywhere!! and have a gr8 day people!
See u soon!

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Garfield's pregnancy diary


Garfield is here, How r u all? I'm fine thank u!

I saw my husband's friends yesterday and I found his girlfriend is pregnant! and we sat down together as we had terrible backache and we were talking about baby and pregnancy stuff! I felt really comfortable to share with her how I feel about baby and pregnancy and so on..... She is having a little girl by the way. And I'm 31 weeks pregnancy so won't be long! How excited I am!
I started packing bags to take to hospital now but I don't know what I need take in exactly( bit confused!!!!) So I'll ask my midwife about list things next time when I see her!
I'll make appointment for breathing and relaxation class later so that I can see lots of pregnant women like me! Hope everything will be all fine :)
I'm thinking that I could done washing this morning cuz the weather is so nice and looks like won't b raining today..... never mind! lol
Anyway hope everybodys all right and have a nice day :)

See ya!

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Let's rescue our planet!

Hello there,

How r u everybody? I'm not too bad! I saw on the paper about a big earthquake in Tokyo Japan this morning and 7000 people r homeless. How terrible it is! I saw a road was cracking really bad and everything were squashed, must be serious one! My family r all right as they live in north part so thanks God 4 that. Its thunder lightning and heavy shower raining out side now!
We don't need this weather we need SUNSHINE!! I'm worried about climate changing over the world we need to cut down Co2 as soon as possible.
I want to say big thank u to purkul and pebbles-ricicle 4 helping us baby stuff! It was really helpful 4 us and baby.
Anyway hope u'll have a gd day!
God bless!

Tuesday, 10 July 2007

Hello people!

Did u have a good weekends? I received a parcel from mum in Japan last week! and my neighbour knitted lots of baby stuff such as cardigan, little hat and booties for our baby and they r really nice! How kind she is! Also one of my husband's friend gave us tons baby cloths as well!

We r very lucky :) I went to see my midwife yesterday and had a blood test, everything is all right! We r getting ready for our baby now! I can't wait to see him!
We found a frog in our garden when my husband was cutting glass last Sunday! it was tiny frog and I couldn't touch it anyway... But I think frogs r cute :) Hopefully we could see a hedgehogs next time!
Anyway hope u have a gd day!
see ya!

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

English Summer Rain!

Hello all, How r u doing? I'm fine:)
I'm getting used to this English summer rain and I can't believe its July now as I wearing a polar neck top sometimes... o well, I can't morn to the weather anyway:( lol never mind!

My mum rung up this morning and it made me and my husband happy. She is doing well also I spoken to my nan on the phone as well :) She said its very warm over there now and she saw the news about flood problem over here! Hope this heavy rain will be stopping soon!

I've got some letters off my friends in Japan yesterday and today. One of them used to share office when I was working at computer company in Japan and she is a news paper writer! She put my husband article about mental health on the paper and she sent it to us with her letter!! How wonderful! Also the other my friend's sister had baby in May and another sister is a pregnant now! I was really surprised and really happy with that :) I have to write to them very very soon! I told my friends over there about mind blog project and they said its very nice so I hope many ppl will join this project in the future!
I'll see midwife next week hope everything is fine. I'm start showing bit by bit now, so excited!
Anyway, Hope u r all ok,
Take care!

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Garfield's comment about Mind blog project


Today's my post is my personal comment about this project! I've never done blog before I started this mind blog project to be honest but when I've done some my blogs at the first time I found its fun and its really positive things.

Good things r we can have look the other people's blog and comment each other, I think its really positive anyway. Also we don't have to put any personal things too! gd gd! safe!
And I like coming here to talk to people as well :)
I'd love to continue my blog in the future and hope lots of people can know about this project and join in!!!!
Thank u for all ur comments every time!
I think mind blog project is fantastic!

Anyway see u next time!

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Garfield and Fujiko Hemming

Hello! Garfield is here :)
Its really nice blue sky today its bit chilly tho but never mind! How r u all? I'm not too bad.
I've been having rest and relax since we had Sanity Fair and I'm thinking about room decoration in flat! Just a nice change basically, and decorate baby's room very soooooon :)
We've got a car seat off friend on the other day(lucky!) also we promised to get some baby things off another friends! so we r getting ready 4 our baby! gd gd :)
Do u know Fujiko Hemming by the way? She is famous pianist and I'm her big fun!!! She is a half Japanese and Russian-Swedish and she is famous in Japan! I like her books as well!
So if u have any chance please listen her piano and read books! they r worth honestly!
I put her home page on my list so let's have look people!! lol
Anyway hope u have a good day!

see ya!

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Big Success!

Hello how r u?
We've done really well on Sanity Fair! I had really good experience cuz it was first time to me!
Also I'm glad lots of people learn origami on the day! So I'll do it again next year if i could.

I think lots of people had a big fun day!! It was big success to me!

It's really funny weather this week but never mind! How was father's day people? I and my husband went to his dad's grave on the day and we put flower for him. Also we sent a father's day card to my dad in Japan last week so hope he got it! We had a good time!

I fell down in flat on the other day and I've got a blues on my knee it was really hurt but I'm ok now!

We rung up to my nan and my auntie last week and everything is all right over there and I told them about Sanity Fair! We'll send some pics of it later! They'd love it!!!

Anyway I want to say big thank u to people who helped to organise my origami things!

Have a gr8 day and see u later!

Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Busy week!

Hi ya! How r u all? I'm fine :)

I've been busy since last week cuz Sanity Fair is coming this Saturday! I have to get ready 4 origami things very soon! deffo! Also I want to say thank you to ppl in media action group for buying origami paper! I didn't expect how expensive they were! Thank u a lot! and I'll do my best :) Hope weather will be fab. I've got a letter from my mum and auntie in Japan this morning and I rung up to my nan as well. Everything is all right over there so that's good. I like watching spring watch in a moment. I think animals r fantastic :) Don't u think?

Anyway see u next time!

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Hot day!

Hello, I'm here :)

It's been nice weather again and I'm sweating like piggy! lol Anyway I've done washing today and should b dry quickly! gd gd. I've got a letter from my friend from Japan this morning and she sent us some pics of us(that's nice of her)! She is doing all right and I used to work with her by the way. So We will write to her back as soon as possible.
We bought a father's day card yesterday and will send it to my dad in Japan soon! big surprise!!
We are invited to my husband's friends wedding this Saturday! Big congratulation!
And my mum in low will go to Wales on holiday next week hope she will have a gr8 time and have a nice rest!
Sanity Fair is coming soon :) I can't believe its June already! dead quick! I have to get ready for Sanity Fair this week or next week. should be ok I think......
My mum rung up on the other day and she is doing well and she said my nan had a dream of our baby was premature so I have to be careful hope everything will be fine(I'm worried tho)
Mun will send a small packet to us soon! excited :)
Anyway fingers cross everything will be all right and Have a nice day!
Thank u 4 all ur comments every time!

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Keep smilimg!

hiya all :)
How r u doing? I'm doing well but I've got a muscle-ache at the moment! never mind.
It's really funny weather today cuz its cloudy but its really warm! I left washing out this morning so hope it'll be ok and dried!!! I like washing cuz I feel really clean and feel just nice.

I saw my midwife on the other day and everything was all right so I and my husband r really happy about it :) My mum sent us e-mail this week and everything is all right over there as well. Also she is doing ok! gd gd! We'll write to my family and friends really soon maybe sending some sweets for my brothers! They'd like it deffo!!! Father's day is coming soon by the way!

I and my husband went to grave yard yesterday and we found a dead hedgehog. so sorry! and we made a small grave for her. God bless!

It's 17th June so we will send a nice card and nice gift to my dad next month! will b gr8 :)

I think its same day as Japanese one to be honest. Mum's day is different tho! anyway never mind. By the way did u know that garfield(not me) have his mother? she is here.

Hope u'll have a gr8 day!

See ya!!

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Garfield's diary

It's been raining almost everyday :( Where's summer gone? I really miss the hot weather! should b more warmer soon hopefully! Also it was shame I and my husband couldn't go to Trenton garden last week! Hopefully we can make it again soon :)

I had a second scan last week as well everything is all right and baby is ok! We'll go to baby shopping really soon as I've got free £5 voucher! How exited :)

Also have to make baby's room too! We will send e-mail to my auntie this afternoon so that we can know what she's been up 2! Hope everything is ok in Japan :)

Anyway have a gr8 day everyone!

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

God bless


How r u doing? I'm not too bad. We've been funeral this morning and that made me a little bit down but I'm fine now so never mind. God bless anyway.

Good things r we've got a letter from my mum last week and she rung up this morning and she is all right and we had a lovely chat together on the phone, it made me really happy :) My husband spoke to her and he feel happy as well ! gd gd :) My family r doing ok but my nan's doggie pasted away a few days ago cuz he was really old dog.... God bless him!! I'm sure he's gone to doggie's heaven!

I don't like today's raining by the way hope it will be fine on our picnic day!

Did u have a good May day yesterday? I and my husband made some origami :) It was fun actually! Also I helped to cut his hair before yesterday. I like his new look now! get ready 4 summer tho.

We sent a mother's day card to my mum cuz it is this month in Japan so hope she'll get it on time. Also my mum in lows birthday is next week, we bought a nice card for her!

Anyway everything is doing fine.

Hope u'll have a great week!

see u next time :)

Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Sunny Day!

White rabbit! ( u can say that every 1st months I think! but not sure never mind lol)

How r u everyone? I'm all right :) I like today's weather and I can't believe it's May now!!!

My mum in lows birth day is coming soon so I'll buy nice card 4 her! Also mum's day in Japan is coming soon as well!

Anyway everything is going well :) gd gd! We cut grass in our garden on the other day and my husband nearly cut his toe!!!!! but it was ok cuz boots saved his toe! We have to be really careful next time tho. I think grass is growing really fast to be honest... anyway never mind!

I'm excited to go picnic from blog trip!

Anyway see ya later!

Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Garfield's diary

hello everyone!

I don't like this week's weather..... raining and bit cold. Summer should be coming very soon I hope. Sanity Fair is coming soon by the way in June! It will be first time for me tho. I'll do some origami things on Sanity Fair!! I'm excited by now! :)

My husband had hair cut a few days ago! He cut mostly and I finished off! It is all right tho.

He is learning Japanese now and doing well, I'll make the other lesson 4 him later.

Anyway have a good day! and see u next time!!

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

gr8 day!


How r u all? I'm doing well :)

We went to Apedale yesterday and it was great! nice warm weather, plenty of fresh air, lots of animals! It is amazing nature to be honest!! I like countryside a lot.
We saw a beautiful wild butterfly and a robin bird!

My husband saw a rabbit as well. :) I want to go there again with my husband and my mum in low next time. She would like it deffo! And I'd like drawing some animal in nature in the future.

It was gr8 day honestly! Thank u all people for taking us to Apedale yesterday!

Anyway it will be cooler after this week but it will be hot weather on Sanity Fair day I hope! ( coming soon ....)

Hope u will have a good day.

See u next time!

Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Garfield's diary


Did you have a good Easter? Me and my husband had a gr8 time! We had a lots of Easter egg chocolates. and watched some nice films(sound of music, wizard of oz). my mum in low looked after a dog 4 a few days. she is toy terrier and so cute! (ever so friendly). I miss her a lot!

We watched Gwen Stefanie's live concert on TV this morning. It was fab :) I like her cuz she looks different every single songs! Anyway What have u been up 2 everyone? I'm 16 weeks pregnancy now and have to see my midwife next week and my next scan is next month!

Excited! Hope everything is all right. can't wait next scan's photo!
Anyway Hope it will be really warm again tmrw!! Thanx 4 all ur comments every time!
See ya!

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Happy Easter!


Easter is coming very soon :) yey! And I can't believe its April already now lol
I like this week's weather its really warm! gd gd ;)
our Chinese friends are going back to China this month so we r missing them a lot!We will keep in touch tho!
I'm glad I found my husband put more weight on now by the way! lol
I am teaching some Japanese to my husband and he is learning a lot!!! gd:)
Anyway, have u ever seen film called "Happy feet"? We've seen it last week and its really funny and nice story! I want to watch it again actually......
Anyway hope u'll have a gr8 Easter!!!!
Thank u for all ur comments every time :)

see u soon!

Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Garfield's diary

Hello everyone!

What have u been up 2? I'm doing all right and I'm 14 weeks pregnancy now! I don't have morning sickness or nothing tho! That's good :) I'm lucky I think.........

Anyway I can't wait till September!!!! It'll be gr8 experience to me ever ;)

I don't want to know boy or girl till baby will be due so it'll be good surprised.

Well, my cold is much more better now and I'm glad it's really warm weather this week. I hope summer is coming very very soon.

This is my one of favourite singer and doll here by the way! lol

Anyway hope u have a good day and I want to say big thank u to every single comments!!

Thanks a lot!

See u next time :)